Angel Wishes for the New Year

2016…What can we say about this year despite ups and downs of the world around us and in our lives, we’ve survived and are the stronger and better for it! Angel Burlesque has had quite a year of wonderful shows with so many creative acts and talent; our minds are blown away! We’ve have a wonderful time playing with friends and performing for our fans…we cannot wait to see what 2017 holds for all of us at Angel Burlesque. While the hours are ticking closer to 12:01am on 1/1/17, we’re sending out our wishes and resolutions for the new year to come.

Jada Bella and Belle Breeze kicking it up a notch at our Holiday Open Bra

Belle Breeze
My word for 2017 is POWER. Settling into my power, exercising it, and exploring the different kinds of power: compassion, will, creativity, and change.

Biff Maliboo
Getting more comfortable with me. Being able to put myself out there without fear of being judged. Kinda what Belle said. …lol



Cora Noire and Biff Maliboo make the perfect emcee couple at Stranger Thongs!

Frankie Spanxx
My first one ever was 2016 and really I just made it my year of yes. I tried so many new things and great things happened. (personally, the world around me went to shit) For 2017, I’d like to keep saying yes but. A little less- because sanity!
Lola LaVacious
Continue creating my own path…traveling more, bigger costumes and getting rid of more clutter and excess and more friend time!

Max Maneater

Max Maneater
2017 is my year of GIVING! Giving my love, my time, my voice, my art, my skills, my friendship, my money. (And I know — sometimes this means giving a little self-love to ME!)
Karma D’Light
In 2017, I will continue to build Spark & Celebrate & launch the Experience Your Awakening event! I wish to continue to be open, curious, and grow. My words for 2017: balance, expansive, and inspire passionate purpose

Kristy Kryptonite, Napoleon Brokenhearts, Coty Foxfire, Gwen De’Lyn

Coty Foxfire
In 2017, I hope to find more “me” time to refresh my soul & build friendships. I also hope to find a muse to create 1-2 new solo routines.
Mona S’Amor
My word for 2017 is IMPROVEMENT. I have lots of goals for my self, my house, and my business that all align w this theme. I’m very excited to see what this year brings!
Katie Angel
 I’ve always had extremely negative feelings about being called a bitch. In 2017 I want to own my bitchiness.
Napoleon Brokenhearts
Minnie Ryder

My word for this year is “Quality”. The quality of time I spend with friends and family; the quality of my work, freelance, artwork and burlesque performance & costuming; keep pushing the best qualities of myself front and center – kindness, understanding, and the ongoing pursuit of spreading joy on this earth; and finally quality of life: may it continue to be filled with the ones I love and the things I love to do.

Well that about sums it up!
Happy New Year, and all of our best to you and yours throughout this season and the year to come!
Angels and Teasers-in-Training at Angel Burlesque

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