Angel Burlesque Thanksgivings

*Feature Image Provided by Lora Olive*
We have so much to be thankful for all year round but we love extra opportunities to express our gratitude! What’s making our hearts soar this year? Angels and Teasers-in-Training share their thankful thoughts for not only Thanksgiving, but for any time of the year!


Christina Arabesqua and Karma D’Light at Pride Parade 2016

Max Maneater
This year I’m so thankful to be an official Angel! It’s been a blast and I’m happy I’m here to stay!

Ginger Peach
I am sooooo thankful for such a supportive troupe, and for being welcomed to perform internationally!

Jada Bella
I’m thankful for the empowering people in my life and grateful that I get to do my passion ( pro. dancer) everyday.


Kristy Kryptonite, Napoleon Brokenhearts, Coty Foxfire, Gwen De’Lyn (Front)

Coty Foxfire
I am thankful for the opportunity to continue dancing and continued collaboration in a production format. I am thankful for my family: my wonderful husband & beautiful children. I am especially thankful the baby lets me sleep!

Gwen De’Lyn
I’m thankful for everyday that I get to wake up. I do a lot of stressing about “the little things” but when I stop to think about it; I realize that I’m blessed beyond measure. I have a my family (both biological and non biological), my health, my job, my kiddos (with and without fur) and the ability to do things that I love.

Lola Lavacious
Thankful for the incredible opportunities to be a part of so many special events in the community supporting great causes and sharing those moments with this amazing family!


Frankie Spanxx
I’m so happy to have a creative family that supports and builds me up on and off stage. I’m thankful for the love and understanding in this glitter tribe and my almost as glittery family!

Karma D’Light
I am thankful for friends who become family, a supportive troupe who allows me to learn and grow, for my family & my health, and for my new muggle career as it blossoms

Colby Jack:
I’m thankful for the amazing new friends I have accumulated in the past year. You helped turn my life around for the better and fill my heart with love. Thank you for being you!


Max Maneater, Minnie Ryder, Colby Jack, Kristy Kryptonite, Selina Prince

Dealing daily with depression and anxiety is hard, its easy to want to give up,so I’m very thankful for the support I have from my love Robert, and my friends helping me stay on track and not get overwhelmed.

Sylvestia Stiletto
I’m thankful for my family, who has been my rock and everything you need from a family. I’m thankful I still have my health, that I can run on a minutes notice. I’m thankful for my friends and girlfriend whom without I wouldn’t be as driven and motivated as I am. Happy thanksgiving to all my loves.

Minnie Ryder
It’s been quite a year of ups and downs in muggle life, however I am so thankful for the ones in my life who really add love, friendship, positivity, and continue to spread joy where ever they go. I’m so thankful for my own little family of crazy amazing kids and a husband who always goes above and beyond every day. Most importantly I’m thankful we as human beings have the daily, hourly, minute by minute choice on how we perceive our lives and how we choose to improve the lives of others. Love and kindness will conquer all…oh and I’m also thankful for Star Wars…because Star Wars.



Angel Burlesque

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